Taking time to check in with our mates at work, and asking them ''Are you OK?''.
It has been an overwhelming year with bushfires, drought, COVID-19 restrictions, and lockdowns. It is always important to check in with family, friends, and work colleagues, but this year it is even more important. Taking time for people in your life and around you can make a big difference, taking a break for a conversation. Saying hi, giving someone a smile and just asking someone #RUOK?
On the 10th of September we at Connect Source Pty Ltd took time to have a break together, have morning tea together and ask each other #RUOK. Cupcakes baked from two of our amazing colleagues for $3/each and together we raised $246 for #ruokday2020.
Even though the day is over, we should still take time to ask the people around us ‘’are you OK?’’. A conversation could change a life. #theresmoretosay R U OK?
If you want to know more about the ''R U OK?'' check out there website!

10th of September, 2020